What Can Schools Do to Improve Attendance?
Have you ever wondered what creative ways you could improve your students’ attendance?
Well you’re in the right place, because I have a solution for you: performing arts assemblies.
Yes, you heard me right bringing in a performing arts assembly is one way to keep students in the classroom.
After, chatting with several principals, and teachers over the past few years, I’ve been noticing a trend; administrators have specifically been booking our school assemblies to improve their school’s attendance
According to several studies, including the National Dropout Prevention Center study of 2017 and New Jersey Arts Education Partnership, have “ identified links between involvement in the visual and performing arts and improved attendance, school engagement, increased academic performance, decreased drop out and discipline rates and higher levels of college attendance — areas of improvement vital to student success.” ( State of The Arts, artsednj.org)
Our Globalization of Hip Hop assembly teaches students about the transformation of Hip Hop around the world. Learn more
How schools are implementing
X46 in the Bronx, has been using assemblies as an incentive/motivation for boosting attendance. They saw a major improvement in their numbers after implementing these monthly shows.
How does it work?
Each month students have the possibility of earning a spot to attend a performance at their school. If a student gets perfect attendance for that month they get to attend. Every month starts anew so potentially new students can join those already coming to school at that month’s assembly.
Another example on the west coast
Another school in CA, focused on bringing in performing arts programs on the days of the week where they saw the lowest attendance: Mondays and Fridays. Often, if they have an assembly on either of these days, they see a significant increase in attendance.
Want to try it out for yourself? But don’t know what program to bring in?
Talk to us. We have two cultural performing arts assemblies
The Globalization of Hip Hop
Fuego: Dances From Latin America